gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same

1 beda pietanza gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same Monday 18 May 2020
2 Mitch Raemsch Re :gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same Monday 18 May 2020
3 tjrob137 Re :gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same Monday 18 May 2020
4 Nicolaas Vroom Re :gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same Monday 18 May 2020
5 Olla Vázquez Re :gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same Monday 18 May 2020
6 Nicolaas Vroom Re :gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same Monday 18 May 2020
7 tjrob137 Re :gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same Tuesday 19 May 2020
8 Nicolaas Vroom Re :gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same Tuesday 19 May 2020
9 tjrob137 Re :gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same Tuesday 19 May 2020

gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same because the inertia and gravity are two manifestation of the same cause
20 posts by 7 authors!topic/sci.physics.relativity/R84o33Lretk

This discussion supports the idea that all the mass is gravitational mass. Neither the concepts of inertial mass and the equivalence principle make sense.

1 gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same

From: beda pietanza
Datum: Monday 18 May 2020
the cause of gravity and the cause of inertia, are the local effects of the presence of the total masses of the universe.

cheers beda Click here to Reply

2 gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same

From: Mitch Raemsch
Datum: Monday 18 May 2020
- show quoted text - Mass is energy quantity with a C and C squared density myth.

3 gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same

From: tjrob137
Datum: Monday 18 May 2020
On 5/17/20 5:20 PM, beda pietanza wrote:
> the cause of gravity and the cause of inertia, are the local effects of the presence of the total masses of the universe.

Ernst Mach said something quite similar more than a century ago. Many times. In many different ways. In MUCH more detail. Sometimes with rather vague supporting evidence.

Einstein mentioned "Mach's principle" while developing GR, but the final theory does not include or obey it -- it has a very watered-down version of it: the set of locally-inertial frames at any given point are determined by the totality of mass/energy throughout the manifold. In GR, neither mass nor inertia are like that, they are intrinsic to each object.

Tom Roberts

4 gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same

From: Nicolaas Vroom
Datum: Monday 18 May 2020
- show quoted text - On Monday, 18 May 2020 00:20:51 UTC+2, beda pietanza wrote:
> the cause of gravity and the cause of inertia, are the local effects of the presence of the total masses of the universe.

IMO all the mass in the universe is gravitational mass. The best way to demonstrate that is if you drop a stone, both masses move (locally) towards each other. The only way to observe that is from a third object. Of course, if you want to observe that your stone should be large.

Please read:

Nicolaas Vroom

5 gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same

From: Olla Vázquez
Datum: Monday 18 May 2020
Nicolaas Vroom wrote:

> On Monday, 18 May 2020 00:20:51 UTC+2, beda pietanza wrote:
>> the cause of gravity and the cause of inertia, are the local effects of the presence of the total masses of the universe. cheers beda the cause of gravity and the cause of inertia, are the local effects of the presence of the total masses of the universe.

IMO all the mass in the universe is gravitational mass.

the idiocy continues. There is no gravity correlation and interference, invasive or non-invasive, among galaxies in this universe. You guys are completely derouted.

here you have it. From the mouth of the horse. The literary description of the *_common flu_* which of course always is been "pandemic". Once again your climate warming is been proved what it is, a liberal capitalist _eugenic ideology_. The gringos didn't came to fight the nazis, but to inhibit the advance of the red army.

UK Gov't confirms Covid19 harmless to VAST MAJORITY of people

In this clip from the Downing Street Corona Briefing on May 11th, Chris Whitty - the UK's Chief Medical Officer - says that, to most people, the coronavirus is entirely harmless.

Most people will never get it.
Most of the people who get it won't ever experience symptoms. Most of the people who experience symptoms won't need medical care. Most of the people who need medical care won't be need emergency or critical care. And even the tiny percentage of people who need who DO need critical care will survive, regardless of risk factors or medical history.

6 gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same

From: Nicolaas Vroom
Datum: Monday 18 May 2020
On Monday, 18 May 2020 11:12:53 UTC+2, Olla Vázquez wrote:
> Nicolaas Vroom wrote:

> UK Gov't confirms Covid19 harmless to VAST MAJORITY of people

The message in this video is sadly true. Of course, you can discuss the details. Many people are struck by the disease and have to live with the reality of the Coronavirus. I wish there will be soon some medicine or vaccine to help them.

Nicolaas Vroom.

7 gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same

From: tjrob137
Datum: Tuesday 19 May 2020
On 5/18/20 4:06 AM, Nicolaas Vroom wrote:
> IMO all the mass in the universe is gravitational mass.

Hmmm. Mass can be converted to energy via interactions ENORMOUSLY stronger than gravity. So this cannot possibly model the world we inhabit.

Tom Roberts

8 gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same

From: Nicolaas Vroom
Datum: Tuesday 19 May 2020
- show quoted text - (What is the meaning of the word 'model' in this case?)

My point is, if you agree with me, that you don't need the concept of inertial mass nor the equivalence principle.

For the readers interested please read this:

Nicolaas Vroom

9 gravitatinal mass, inertial mass are the same

From: tjrob137
Datum: Tuesday 19 May 2020
On 5/19/20 8:06 AM, Nicolaas Vroom wrote:
> On Tuesday, 19 May 2020 06:38:43 UTC+2, tjrob137 wrote:
>> On 5/18/20 4:06 AM, Nicolaas Vroom wrote:
>>> IMO all the mass in the universe is gravitational mass.

Hmmm. Mass can be converted to energy via interactions ENORMOUSLY stronger than gravity. So this cannot possibly model the world we inhabit.


(What is the meaning of the word 'model' in this case?)

The usual meaning in physics: ability to calculate what will happen in a given physical situation, within its domain.

> My point is, if you agree with me, that you don't need the concept of inertial mass nor the equivalence principle.

Hmmm. GR has no "inertial mass" or "gravitational mass", it just has mass. Ditto for the standard model. Depending on how it is stated, in GR the equivalence principle is either a tautology or irrelevant.

Tom Roberts

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